12 Steps To Enjoy Christmas Holidays

I know they say “It’s what you eat from January to December that matters, not from December to January”.

Nevertheless, you might be one of many who dread Christmas due to the abundance of festive food, drinks, and busy schedules.

Taking care of your well-being and self-esteem is still important to fully enjoy the holidays guilt-free.

Here are 12 specific actions you can take to make the magic happen 😉

You can also watch the reel-versions on my Instagram page 🙌🏽

1.Moderation is key

You are fully entitled to eat whatever food you want this holiday, but think in moderation. Be mindful of the portion sizes, be selective about the food you choose to eat, and don’t forget to enjoy.


2. Stay hydrated

Hydration is vital for the body to work best. Focusing on drinking enough water during special occasions like this can help you avoid constipation and overeating.


3. Be Colourful!

Unhealthy food can always be upgraded with healthy alternatives. Focus on adding more colours to your plate and get the nutrients you need to have the energy to deal with the stressful side of this holiday.


4. Be mindful of alcohol consumption

This is a touchy subject. Either you drink too much or don’t drink enough, right? What I want to highlight in this video is not to let alcohol repeatedly become the reason you’re overeating due to lack of judgment.


5. Stay active

Doing something physical with your body can be a great way to take your mind off food and give yourself a little break from all the “food noise”. It doesn’t hurt that it can also help boost your confidence and mood. Go for a walk, play outdoor games with family, or try festive workout routines.


6. Plan ahead

This can be a game-changer throughout the holidays! Planning how much food you will eat during a party or an event can help you resist any pressure or urge to eat more.


7. Getting decent amounts of sleep

Not only getting enough but also not getting too much sleep. I bet you recognise the feeling of irritation and impatience due to lack of sleep. It’s a short way to make food choices you would probably regret.


8. Manage stress

You might freak out when I ask you to stress less during this busy holiday, but this is your chance to wind down, relax, and catch your breath. You are totally entitled to turn down invitations, and you don’t have to entertain your kids, family and friends every single day (see part 9: Socialise without food!).  Grab this opportunity to do some selfless self-care. This could include reading, practising mindfulness, or spending time with loved ones.


9. Socialise without food

Socialising without food! This needs to be said once and for all: Every social gathering does not have to include food or drinks, for that matter. We must stop pressuring people to cook tons of food to invite someone over. I say it’s time to shift focus to good conversations and keeping in touch with the people we care about! What activity would you like to do with friends and family? I love playing cards!


10. Practice mindful eating

Pay attention to what and how much you’re eating. Chew your food slowly, savour the flavours, and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.


11. Don’t skip meals

I know it might seem very reasonable to skip meals or save calories due to a special event. Unfortunately, this most often has the opposite effect and leads to overeating. Most importantly, it will certainly not help you gain control of your eating habits (which is my goal in all of this;)). Try sticking to your regular, balanced meals.


12. Stay positive

Focus on the joy of the season and the time spent with loved ones rather than stressing over food choices. Positive thinking can contribute to a healthier mindset.


There you have it! Now it’s up to you! Choose a few focus points, don’t try to do everything simultaneously.

Good luck, you’ve got this!

Don’t hesitate to give me a shout if there’s anything I can do for you!


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