Til Calluna Nutrition BLOGG
3 Easy Habits to Help You Achieve a Better Relationship With Food
Dear friend, food is not your enemy. You deserve to enjoy the benefits (and a dash of magic) that food can bring into your life. Learn to create a better relationship with food through these three easy habits that you can incorporate into your hectic everyday life. A healthy relationship with food can be vital to your health journey and help you achieve good eating habits and the lifestyle you've been picturing for so long.
10 Scandinavian Wellness Tips
Scandinavian lifestyle is known to be on the more healthier side according to other western countries. Learn how you can adopt this way of living that gives life to the years, not only years to your life.
5 Ways Food Supports My Mental Health
Learn how the food you eat is connected to your mood and mental health.
6 Steps To Evaluate Your Work-Life Balance
Work to live, or live to work? Sometimes our work-life affects our private life more than we know.
Busting Coffee Myths!
6 interesting myths about coffee is being revealed! Is it truly healthy? is dark roasted worse than light roasted?
From Farm to Fork
Who produces the food you eat and how do you know if it’s healthy or not? Learn how the food industry has changed upside-down!
How To Love Yourself Again And Why It’s Important
Why is self-love essential when trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle? And why is it so damn hard to accomplish?
How I Learned to Enjoy Unhealthy Food in a Healthy Way
The feeling of being in control of your eating habits is priceless. Cause what’s the point of eating unhealthy food if you can’t let yourself enjoy it?
How I kept my healthy eating habits after pregnancy
Learn my secrets to how I keep my healthy eating habits after baby number three!
What The Supermarkets Won’t Tell You…
What you don’t know will hurt you. Learn how the supermarkets fool you into buying food that makes you ill and almost impossible to maintain an healthy diet.
6 Food and Nutrition Trends in 2022!
What is predicted to be trending in the world of food and nutrition in 2022? Read my opinions on these six trends.